Where to Buy European Formula for a Baby
Written by:
Maia James

As you may have seen in our updated Safe Infant Formula Guide, I recently recommended Lebenswert as the healthiest infant formula on the market (yes, even better than Holle and HiPP!). Unfortunately, it’s become harder and harder for American parents to find European formulas as they are no longer available on Amazon.
Some parents have resorted to buying Holle and HiPP and other European formula on eBay, but many of you feel uneasy purchasing something so important from unverified sellers.
This is why I decided to create a screening process to help me find trustworthy online vendors where my readers could confidently buy European baby formulas.
This post will help you figure out where to buy Holle and HiPP and Lebenswert, as well as other European brands of formula.
Bottom Line on Where to Buy European Formula
I’ve approved and established an affiliate relationship with Organic Baby Food 24. If I were buying a European formula for my own child, this is the company I’d choose.
My Vetting Process for European Formula Vendors
I started on the websites of Holle and HiPP, and contacted the retailers they listed to see if any of them would ship to the U.S. The answer was no.
I then looked into a variety of websites that were mentioned on blogs and parenting forums as places moms were buying European formula–some of these had good reviews and others had failed to deliver the formula parents ordered. One mom told me that she drove by the address listed on one of the websites and found a boarded-up building in a bad L.A. neighborhood!

I narrowed my list down to the websites that seemed not sketchy (based on my online research), and scheduled phone calls with the owners of these sites.
Why Most of Them Didn’t Make the Cut
While I cannot say that any of these companies seemed outright dishonest–or that I truly believe anyone is taking empty Holle formula containers and filling them with Similac–I didn’t feel completely reassured by my conversations with most of these vendors.
Perhaps some of this was a language barrier (plus time-zone issues–one guy in Germany was nice enough to speak with me at midnight his time!), but in many cases I just couldn’t seem to get a clear answer on the supply chain.
I really wanted to know exactly where this formula was coming from, and how these vendors were getting it to their customers in the U.S.
Another thing I didn’t like about many of these sites is that they didn’t seem to know anything about why these formulas were superior, and in many cases they would ask that I recommend a bunch of other European products they wanted to sell to U.S. parents–most of which of course were not Good Stuff!
A Note on X-Rays

A lot of you wonder if you should be concerned about formula being x-rayed when it comes through customs (as is the case for any imported food or food ingredient). What I have read suggests that this is not a risk, and this article may be particularly reassuring to those of you who are concerned.
Stay sane,

Maia, Founder & CEO
Note: This article contains affiliate links or sponsored content, which means that if you make a purchase, we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that meet our strict standards for non-toxicity and that we use (or want to use!) ourselves. Thank you so much for supporting the brands that make Good Stuff!
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Donot order from beyond organics, they offer no contact or support service, you wont even receive any kind of tracking number for your order nor person to answer on their number. Its big issue and not trustworthy
At the risk of sounding stupid, does anyone actually know how to place an order from Little World Organics? I found no apparent method on their website to actually place an order.
It looks as if you can no longer place orders on Little World Organics. I have been ordering from moonbeamsorganicformula and love it! They shipped free USPS Priority, and my order was on my doorstep the next day. They had better bulk discounts then I have been seeing on other similar sites.
Hi Maia.
I would like yo know if My Organic Formula is a good website to purchase from Hipp.
Also, between Little World Organics and Baby Kind, which one you trust the most. I could’t breastfeed due to health issues so my baby is only receiving formula.
free shipping and great prices
Hello. I was happy with beyond organic baby for several month. They made a mistake once but after a week they send me the missing items. But This time I’m trying to contact them email, chat and lot of phone calls with no answer. Their product and shipping are good but their customer service doesn’t exist at all……….
I had the same experience. I started buying from a small-time shop called moonbeamsorganicformula.com, and she was great. Responded to every email within a couple of hours, and had my orders shipped same day.
I have ordered Hipp formula from Beyondorganicbaby and received completely different product .Not sure if I will use it at all .Tried to contact them numerous time without success .Emails, messages, live chat nothing worked .
Their customer service is terrible read some posts from them where they are saying that they are the best ,I am really disappointed that after 10 messages nobody contacted me in 7 days .I do not recommend them at all .I do not recommend Beyond Organic Baby either.
Can some one point me to a source in English where I can get the details of what’s printed on the boxes of Holle and lebenswert formulas (all stages) ? This would be really helpful. I have a tough time reading the contents and use an online translator to look up word after word. Not easy 🙂
Didn’t realize it before. I got the packaging info in English from their UK website. Great !!
I have been buying formula from buyorganicformula.com they sell lebenswert for $26 if in bulk or $28.95 for 1 box, free shipping. I have dealt with them for the past 2 month and its been great. Always fresh formula and comes on time.
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