Best Non-Toxic Mattress 2024 Shopping Guide

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Maia James

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Finding the best non-toxic mattress is super important because this purchase is a big financial investment. If you buy the right mattress, it can last you for decades! Mattresses are also a major source of toxin-exposure in most American homes. This is a purchase you really want to get right, which is why we wrote this guide.

This post will provide all the information you need to feel confident that you’re purchasing the best non-toxic mattress, whether you’re shopping for your kids or yourself.

The 4 Best Non-Toxic Mattress Brands

This guide includes reviews of the 40 (!) mattress brands you’ve asked about most. But the TLDR here is that the four companies in the graphic below are the very best non-toxic mattress brands. They’re all equally toxin-free and earth-friendly–two values we believe are essential. They also all receive high marks for comfort.

best non-toxic mattress graphic

1. Soaring Heart / 2. Happsy / 3. Naturepedic / 4. Obasan

Best Stuff Vs. Good Stuff

Thanks to consumer demand, more mattress manufacturers have taken the steps to make truly non-toxic mattresses with top-level certifications. This means that you have more choices when searching for the best non-toxic mattress. And our Best Stuff and Good Stuff categories have grown to include more brands than ever before.

In this guide, we give special attention to the brands that manufacture only toxin-free mattresses. Several mattress companies now have the proper certifications, but they are owned by other entities that make conventional (toxic) mattresses.

Our updated Best Stuff category includes only the brands that:

  • have the top certifications that guarantee the mattresses they sell are free of all toxins
  • aren’t owned by parent companies that pollute the environment by manufacturing toxic mattresses.

In other words, we choose to promote mattress manufacturers who demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to non-toxic, Earth-friendly living in EVERYTHING they produce.

This video is several years old, but everything in it still holds true. The only change is that Happsy and Obasan have been added to our Best Stuff list!

My Own Non-Toxic Mattress Choices: What Is the Healthiest Mattress?

When I was pregnant for the first time, we decided to upgrade to a king-sized bed in anticipation of co-sleeping with our newborn.

Of course, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t agonize and research before deciding what mattress to buy. There was plenty to agonize over when it came to finding the best non-toxic mattress!

At the time of writing this updated post, I have a 10-year-old and a 14-year-old, one of whom still spends a lot of time in our bed. I’m so glad I feel comfortable with (and comfortable on) the non-toxic mattresses we chose, which is the Soaring Heart Zoned. (If you’d like to sleep on this mattress, email me with “Soaring Heart” in the subject line and I can give you a small discount, since we now carry it in our store.)

Why a Non-Toxic Mattress Matters

I often tell my private consulting clients that their mattress is the very first thing they should upgrade when detoxing their homes.

The reason I feel so strongly about sleeping on a non-toxic mattress? Well, for one thing, babies and kids spend a lot of time sleeping, and even busy, night-owl grownups spend about a third of our lives in bed.

Moreover, studies show that your immune system works hardest at night, and the body generally repairs itself at night. It therefore seems reasonable to make your sleeping environment as toxin-free as possible.

Toxins in Mattresses

Unfortunately, mattresses can be loaded with noxious chemicals, including:

  • Various petrochemicals make up the majority of the materials in conventional mattresses.
  • Polyurethane foam is the main ingredient in most mattresses. It’s composed of polyol and diisocyanate, both of which are derived from petroleum. Polyurethane is not environmentally friendly and is dangerous for workers during manufacturing.
  • Flame-retardant chemicals are needed in part because polyurethane is so flammable. There is, however, some good news on the flame-retardant front – more on that in a minute!
  • Soybean foam is a Sneaky ingredient that sounds non-toxic. Unfortunately, the majority of this type of foam is still mostly polyurethane.
  • Synthetic latex is usually made from styrene, which is a human carcinogen.
  • Adhesives that may contain formaldehyde are used to glue mattresses. The best non-toxic mattress manufacturers skip the glues all together and opt for safer methods like stitching, clips, or heat.

This chemical cocktail releases VOCs (volatile organic compounds), which are linked to a host of health problems, from respiratory irritation to cancer.

Felix and Wolfie sleeping on the best non-toxic mattress.

Fire “Safety” in Mattresses

Mattresses are required by the Consumer Product Safety Commission to meet flammability laws. This previously meant that they were almost always treated with bromated or chlorinated flame-retardant chemicals, typically one of the first three on this list:

  • Polybrominated diphenyl ethers. PBDEs are associated with hormone-disruption and neurodevelopmental delays, including lowered IQ. The European Union has banned the use of PBDEs in electronic devices. Studies show that children in the United States have higher levels of PBDEs than adults do. Oh, and here’s the kicker: they don’t even work very well at stopping fires!
  • Firemaster 550. This nasty chemical cocktail is made with bis (2-ethylhexyl) tetrabromophthalate (TBPH). Yes, you saw that word in there: phthalate. TBPH is nearly identical to DEHP, the phthalate banned in children’s products (including mattresses!!) due to evidence of carcinogenicity and developmental toxicity.
  • Chlorinated tris. This is the notorious chemical that was removed from children’s pajamas in the 1970s because it was shown to cause cancer.
  • Halogen-free flame retardants. This newer class of chemicals (such as ammonium polyphosphate, aluminium diethyl phosphinate, and melamine polyphosphate) is believed to be much less likely to bioaccumulate than bromated flame retardants. I still prefer my mattresses to be free of even these.

In addition to these notoriously toxic flame retardants, companies may use some of the following ingredients to pass flammability tests: boric acid, silica, melamine, vinylidene chloride, and fiberglass.

The Importance of Fiberglass-Free Mattresses

Fiberglass isn’t a chemical flame retardant, but it can still come with some serious health risks.

Here’s just two reasons that buying mattresses without fiberglass is important:

  • No more itchy nights. Fiberglass particles can easily escape from mattress covers. This can cause itching, redness, and respiratory issues like coughing and wheezing. This is especially concerning for children and those with sensitive skin or allergies.
  • Better indoor air quality. Fiberglass dust can also float around, potentially triggering coughs, wheezing, and generally messing with your respiratory system.

A Myth About Off-Gassing

Many of my clients think that their mattresses are okay if they are old because they have “already off-gassed.” Unfortunately, this is not true in the case of foam mattresses. In fact, as the foam degrades, more PBDEs (hormone-disrupting flame retardants) may be released.

Are Mattress Coils Dangerous?

There has been a lot of online chatter in recent years regarding metal coils in mattresses. We paid close attention to this and did some research, and we arrived at the conclusion that steel springs present no established danger.

We simply cannot find any credible evidence showing that metal coils can act like an antenna and concentrate EMFs into our sleeping bodies. Phew–one less thing to worry about!

What Is the Least Toxic Mattress Material?

A toxin-free mattress will likely contain some combination of the following materials:

  • Organic wool (untreated) is naturally flame- and mildew/dust mite-resistant.
  • 100% natural latex (made from rubber trees) is safer than latex blends. The latter may contain petroleum-based polyurethane. It’s important to note that no latex foam mattress can be 100% natural or organic. Turning latex rubber to foam necessitates the use of chemicals, period. Certified latex mattresses simply have less chemical content.
  • Organic cotton (grown in untreated soil, without pesticides) can be used for batting or mattress wrapping. There is a robust debate about whether or not the herbicides and pesticides used on cotton crops will wash/bleach out as the cotton is processed. Most studies show that it does, but some folks believe that a residue remains. We believe that the risk of sleeping on a mattress or sheets made from conventionally grown cotton is tiny. Still, for the good of the planet, we should all choose organically-grown cotton whenever possible.
  • Trusted certifications from third-party certifying bodies mean that some ingredients in the mattress have been vetted by organizations committed to improving air quality. This also means a safer sleeping surface for you. However, all certifications are not created equally, as you’ll learn below.

Dunlop Versus Talalay Latex in the Best Non-Toxic Mattress Brands

You’ll probably read a lot about Talalay versus Dunlop latex in your search for the best organic mattress. In terms of comfort, Dunlop is firmer and Talalay is lighter and softer. If you’re looking for a GOLS-certified mattress (more on this below), you’ll need to choose a mattress made of Dunlop latex.

Don’t Be Fooled By

The mattress industry is full of greenwashing. Here are just a few claims that should alert you that a brand may be Sneaky Stuff.

  • Natural latex.” Petroleum comes from the earth, so petroleum-based mattresses can be “natural.” A “natural latex mattress” may only contain only 50% natural latex and may be blended with polyurethane foam and treated with various VOCs. Look for mattresses that specify that they are made from only 100% natural latex.
  • All-natural wool,” “pure wool” or “eco-wool.” Unless wool is certified organic, it is likely processed conventionally with a variety of chemicals. You may or may not be okay with this (I feel that the flame retardants are more concerning). In some cases, a wool producer may not bother with organic certification, despite organic practices.
  • Biofoam. Soy- or plant-foam is still made of mostly polyurethane. Biofoam mattresses typically contain less than 20% plant material.
  • Certifications. Oftentimes, these certifications apply only to certain parts of the mattress, not necessarily the mattress as a whole. In some cases, the mattress company creates its own certification. You will read more about these certifications in a moment.

Bottom line: There is a lot of deceptive marketing in the mattress world. It is not illegal to throw around terms like “natural,” “green,” and even “organic” without actually having to prove anything.

What to Know About Mattress Certifications

Sorting through mattress certifications is maddening. Here’s just some of why that is:

  1. First of all, not all certifications are created equal. Some offer great assurance that your new mattress will be non-toxic, while others are essentially meaningless.
  2. What’s more, just because a company shows a certification doesn’t mean all of the material in that mattress is certified. One of our readers wrote to us about a mattress that contained Oeko-Tex 100 certified wool, but the company wouldn’t confirm that they solely purchase the wool from this source. Thus, in this case, it would be impossible to know if the mattress you’re purchasing contains the certified wool or not, to say nothing of the other materials in this mattress.
  3. Sometimes, a mattress will claim to have a certification that they don’t really have. One of the most common deceptive practices is when a manufacturer claims to have GOLS certification for their latex mattress, and even display the GOLS logo on their website. They might even show an actual copy of it on their website, complete with date and signatures. If, however, the certificate is not written to the same name as the manufacturer, it is not particularly meaningful. They are commonly written to a latex supplier out of Sri Lanka, India or South America. Such a certification shows only that the latex was certified up to that point on its journey to becoming someone’s bed. Between Sri Lanka and your bedroom, all sorts of things can happen to the latex to cause it to be more toxic than the certification implies.

So, how do you know if a mattress is non-toxic?

Best Non-Toxic Mattress Certifications

best non-toxic mattress certifications: GOLS

The two certifications to look for in your mattress are GOLS (Global Organic Latex Standard) and GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard).

(And again, the best non-toxic mattress brands have these certifications written directly to the mattress manufacturer.)

To obtain a GOTS certification, at least 95% of the mattress must be made of certified-organic materials. Certain chemistries are prohibited entirely, even for that other 5%. A GOTS certification on a mattress means that the entire manufacturing and distribution process is environmentally safe and socially responsible.

Prohibited materials and contaminants in a GOTS-certified mattress include:

  • Polyurethane foam
  • Heavy metals
  • Formaldehyde
  • The fire retardants listed above

One thing we love about GOTS certification is that in order to obtain it, a mattress must be produced in a facility that is also certified. In fact, GOTS certifiers visit production facilities as part of the certification process. (If you are curious about a brand that we don’t review in this guide, you can check for GOTS certification in the GOTS database.)

Similar to GOTS, a GOLS certification means that the mattress is made of at least 95% organic latex. This means that 5% of the latex can be made of synthetic materials, although these are still restricted in some important ways). A GOLS certification requires third-party testing and inspections by certifiers.

Good Non-Toxic Mattress Certifications

best non-toxic mattress certifications: OEKO-TEX

While OEKO-TEX Standard 100 doesn’t require any organic materials to be used in a mattress, it does set limits for VOC emissions (such as formaldehyde). It also prohibits the use of dangerous flame-retardants and dyes. When looking at mattresses, the highest level of OEKO-TEX certification is Class 1.

Greenguard-certified mattresses have been tested for, and are within limits of, several hundred VOCs, including formaldehyde. Greenguard Gold has stricter standards than plain old Greenguard, but they are not testing for flame retardants or PFAS.

Okay Non-Toxic Mattress Certifications

Organic Content Standard 100 just means that some of the ingredients are organic. This certification doesn’t ban flame-retardants or other harmful chemicals.

CertiPUR was developed “by members of the global foam industry,” although it does ban the use of some chemicals, such as PBDE flame-retardants and formaldehyde. It’s important to know that CertiPUR does not certify an entire mattress, only the foam portion.

A Sneaky Mattress Certification

NAOMI (National Association of Organic Mattress Industry) was created by Pure Rest Organics, which is a mattress company. Obviously this means that a NAOMI certification no way independent or third-party

The Bottom Line on Non-Toxic Mattress Certifications

When it comes to mattress certifications, most are of SOME value, but they can be used sneakily by mattress manufacturers.

You really need to ask to see the actual signed certification, keeping in mind that if it’s out of date, it’s worthless. You also want to make sure that the entire factory that produces your mattress is certified to be free of toxins, particularly flame retardants. This will guarantee that you don’t have to worry about cross-contamination and mattress health issues.

If You Can’t Afford the Best Non-Toxic Mattress

Austin Air Filter if you can't afford the best non-toxic mattress

Maybe you’ve looked all the way down to our Okay Stuff category and checked out the coupons (top of this page), and you simply don’t have it in your budget to upgrade to a safe mattress right now.

Readers often ask: “How do I protect myself from a toxic mattress?”

Unfortunately, there’s no way to wrap a mattress to protect yourself from VOCs. However, running a robust air filter will go a long way towards purifying your indoor air. I have the Austin HealthMate PLUS Air Purification System in my bedroom because while I do have a toxin-free mattress, I also have other furniture and rugs that aren’t as clean. I love knowing that the air filter is mitigating the damage!

You also might consider a futon as an alternative to an expensive, non-toxic mattress. They are much more comfortable than they were in your childhood, and I love the ones by Soaring Heart in particular. (Conventional or Sneaky futons will be loaded with all the same scary chemicals as mattresses.)

Here’s where I explain the difference between a mattress and a futon:

What Is the Safest Mattress for a Baby?

Our pick for the best non-toxic mattress for a baby is Naturepedic. For more brands we like, you can refer to our Crib Mattress Shopping Guide.

And now, without further ado, here are the 11 adult mattress brands we like, plus another 30 (!) that we aren’t so crazy about…

Best Stuff: The 4 Best Non-Toxic Mattress Brands

The following four brands are the best non-toxic mattresses available. They have the top certifications that guarantee that their mattresses are free of all toxins. They also aren’t owned by parent companies that pollute the environment by manufacturing toxic mattresses.


Happsy is the best non-toxic mattress-in-a-box option on the market, and comes with a 120-day trial period. Happsy is manufactured by Naturepedic, but is a more affordable option, while still getting high marks for comfort. When it’s time to replace my kids’ mattresses, this is the brand I plan to purchase.

Happsy is certified by GOTS, GOLS, and GreenGuard. Queens go for $1,399.

Use code GIMME15 for 15% off sitewide when you shop on this discount, Happsy is the most affordable Best Stuff mattress.)


Naturepedic was founded by a grandfather named Barry when he could not find a non-toxic mattress for his grandson.

Naturepedic non-toxic mattresses are made of certified-organic cotton and a steel innerspring. They don’t use any flame-retardant chemicals or barrier ingredients. Naturepedic includes a layer of polylactide, which is derived from sugarcane, in all of their mattresses to ensure they pass flammability tests.

Since all Naturepedic mattresses are GOTS-certified, you can rest assured that the polylactide they use also passes GOTS standards. Polylactide is also Greenguard Gold certified.

The waterproof, crib mattress options use food-grade polyethylene for their outer layer (it acts as a moisture and vapor barrier). Adult mattresses mostly run in the $3,000 range, and crib mattresses from $259 to $399. Use code gimme15 for 15% off everything on Naturepedic’s site. (The top-of-the-line mattress is the EOS.)

We offer Naturepedic crib mattresses and children’s mattresses in our online store, and always appreciate your support!


Handcrafted in Canada, Obasan mattresses have all of the top-level certifications we look for, including GOTS and GOLS.

With a unique multi-zone system, Obasan mattresses get high marks for their comfort and come with a 180-day comfort exchange policy and 20-year warranty.

If you live in Canada, this is the best non-toxic mattress, for sure. Queens start at around $3,200 USD.

Get two complimentary pillows with the purchase of any adult mattress with code GIMMETHEGOODSTUFF.

Soaring Heart

Based out of Seattle and in operation for almost 30 years, Soaring Heart hand-crafts most of their mattresses on-site and is one of the most transparent brands we’ve ever investigated.

Soaring Heart’s latex mattresses are made of 100% organic latex. They have both GOLS and GOTS certifications, written to Soaring Heart itself.

Soaring Heart mattresses contain no chemical fire retardants. Their latex passes flammability tests by using a combination of a tightly woven, organic-cotton fabric encasement, and is then wrapped in organic, felted wool.

Soaring Heart offers organic crib mattresses and dog beds, too.

We loved Soaring Heart so much that we asked them if we could sell their mattresses! You can now buy Soaring Heart mattresses through our online store, and they ship free anywhere in the United States.

I sleep on a Soaring Heart Zoned Mattress, my parents on a Soaring Heart Organic Latex Shikibuton, and we both have toppers. We are basically obsessed with these mattresses, and happy to talk you through their options. Just email John for help choosing.

Good Stuff: Non-Toxic Enough Mattress Brands

Some of the mattresses that we are calling the Good Stuff make all the claims of safety and non-toxic materials and processes, but don’t have all of the top-level certifications we like to see. Other brands in this category do have GOTS and GOLS certification, but they are manufactured by a parent company that also produces conventional mattresses.


We are now recommending Avocado mattress since they now have the EWG verified mark for all their adult, kids and crib mattresses.

  • Boasts certifications from EWG, GOTS, GOLS, Greenguard, and Made Safe. 
  • Tested for PFAS chemicals. 
  • Crafted with certified organic cotton, wool, and latex.
  • Not Best Stuff because Avocado is a subsidiary of Brentwood Home, which manufactures conventional mattresses.
  • There was a lawsuit accusing Avocado of falsely advertising its latex as “natural 100% GOLS organic certified” after lab tests showed that Avocado latex contains a variety of chemicals. The suit was dismissed.

Bella Sera

This tiny company has some good certifications, namely GOLS, but unfortunately, it’s not written directly to the company.

Bella Sera uses wool as a flame retardant, which makes them Good Stuff rather than Okay Stuff.


CozyPure’s mattresses skip all the flame retardants in favor of wool, which is significant. Unfortunately, their GOLS certification isn’t written directly to them, so I can’t call this brand the Best Stuff.

Eco Terra

Eco Terra has OEKO-TEX certifications for their wool and Talalay latex. They don’t use scary flame-retardants, just hydrated-silica. Eco Terra now has an up-to-date GOTS certificate, and we consider this a safe mattress choice.

Holy Lamb Organics

While Holy Lamb only qualifies as Good Stuff based on our criteria, we do consider this brand one of the best non-toxic mattresses out there. Because Holy Lamb is such a small business, they do not yet have GOLS certification, but they do have GOTS – and we will move them to Best Stuff as soon as the GOLS comes through.

Plush Beds

PlushBeds recently became fully certified with top-level certifications, including GOTS, GOLS, GreenGuard Gold, and Oeko-Tex Standard 100.

PlushBed’s Botanical Bliss and Luxury Bliss mattresses have all of the above certifications. Their Natural Bliss and Eco Bliss don’t have GOLS certification, but are more affordable.

The only reason Plush is in our Good Stuff rather than Best Stuff category is because they make more conventional mattresses in addition to their fully-certified latex models.

Nevertheless, Plush Beds’ memory foam is the first to be certified by GreenGuard Gold, so if you must have a memory foam mattress (and we know a lot of you must!), then this is the way to go. Overall, everything Plush makes is reasonably toxin-free.

Use code GIMME100 to receive $100 off every order, in addition to whatever other deals are running.

Savvy Rest

Savvy Rest is the non-toxic mattress we bought when I was pregnant, and we slept on it for six comfortable years.

The latex used by Savvy Rest is 100% natural, and other materials used include certified organic wool (which serves as flame-retardant) and cotton. Note that the Dunlop latex is organic, while the Talalay is not.

Savvy Rest mattresses have Oeko-Tex certification. (It’s important to note that these certifications are for specific materials within the mattress, rather than the mattress itself; you can read more about this above.) Savvy Rest’s GOTS certification is written in their name, and their GOLs certifications are written to their latex supplier.

Visit Savvy Rest’s website to see their wide array of mattresses and learn more about all the materials they use. Our king-sized mattress costs around $3,500, but prices depend on which model you choose, in addition to the size you want.

White Lotus

White Lotus sent along a big box of samples of all of their sumptuous, natural materials when I first reviewed them. They are one of our favorite brands to work with, and they have demonstrated a clear commitment to producing non-toxic mattresses.

White Lotus has a GOTS certification for their mattress materials, and they use some cool ingredients in their products, including:

  • Kapok to stuff their mattresses. The “harvesting of the kapok pods provides jobs to indigenous people and helps maintain this vanishing ecosystem,” according to the White Lotus website.
  • Wholesale green cotton, which is totally unprocessed once harvested from the bolls – no bleaches, dyes, or fungicides.
  • Wool, which is 100%-virgin, lamb’s wool.
  • Organic buckwheat hulls (for pillows).
  • 100% natural latex (from rubber trees).

When I decided to get toddler Felix a new twin-sized, non-toxic mattress, I went with this White Lotus futon.

I do recommend that you avoid the Evergreen Foam used by White Lotus, which is a blend of “natural, oil-based foam” and conventional polyol, an alcohol used in the production of polyurethane. While off-gassing is heavily reduced and the environmental impact better than conventional foam, I don’t consider this truly natural, toxin-free foam.

We have gotten to know the folks at White Lotus quite well, and we really trust the owner. Because White Lotus does not have GOLS certification written in its name, we classify it as Good Stuff rather than Best Stuff.

We now carry White Lotus mattresses and futons in our online store!

Please note that we do not carry any White Lotus products with any of the questionable ingredients listed above – if you see it in our store, you know it’s free of borate, toxic foam, and other synthetics.

Okay Stuff: Not the Best Non-Toxic Mattress Brands

The brands we call Okay Stuff”may have CertiPUR or other lesser certifications, and/or Talalay latex. Due to new laws, these mattresses probably do not have flame-retardant chemicals.


While Awara does not have GOLS or GOTS certifications, they do have CertiPUR, Greenguard Gold, and OEKO-TEX.

Note that Awara is made by the same parent company as Nectar mattresses, which we consider Sneaky.

Brooklyn Bedding

This company claims to have OEKO-TEX certification, but failed to present proof to us of this. They do have CertiPUR certification (meaning at least the very worst flame-retardants won’t be present in these mattresses).


This brand uses all the right buzzwords to describe their mattresses (“non-toxic,” “sustainable,” etc.). Unfortunately, they are lacking somewhat in the certification department – although with digging we discovered they do carry the Oeko-Tex 100 certification. The big question mark for us is the “natural rubber” they use, which doesn’t have any certification. Still, that Oeko-Tex 100 certification means something, and they don’t use PBDE flame retardants.


We field a ton of questions about Essentia from people who love memory foam and want a safer option. Standard memory foam (made of petroleum derivatives) is decidedly toxic, and I’ve long suspected Essentia of being Sneaky Stuff.

After researching Essentia thoroughly for a client, I came away (still reluctantly!) calling them Okay Stuff, although I do still have a few reservations. Essentia uses a proprietary flame retardant in their foam, which involves Kevlar – a material that is not remotely natural, but appears to be non-toxic. Kevlar is a type of plastic, however, and you probably know, I don’t love plastic, period!

I spoke to the people at Essentia, and they sent me the independent-testing results for their mattresses — I saw no red flags and everything checked out as non-toxic. They also have a number of certifications, some of which are more legit than others. There is always a chance that sneaky manufacturers might hide things under the “trade secret” laws, but I didn’t learn anything from Essentia that suggests that they are doing so.


These super-expensive mattresses are very comfortable and contain no foam; they also carry the Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certification. The price puts them out of range for most people. Starting at around $7,000, Hastens mattresses go up to a whopping $99,000!


This brand does not have GOLS certification, but does have Oeko-Tex, and doesn’t use the most dangerous flame retardants.

Tuft & Needle

The certifications for these mattresses fall short of Good Stuff – they have GreenGuard Gold, OEKO-TEX, and CertiPUR.

Bad Stuff: Toxic Mattress Brands

It’s safe to assume that all conventional mattresses contain petrochemicals and that many are treated with toxic flame retardants of one kind or another. 

IKEA mattresses are tempting because they are cheap. But they have no certifications of any kind. They had this to say about the use of fire-retardant chemicals:

“In our adult mattresses, mattress pads, and mattress sets a fiber fire-barrier made of rayon/polyester-batting is used that has an inherently fire-resistant property. Flame-retardant chemicals (phosphorous-based inorganic salts) are only used for some stitch-bond and zippers. IKEA children’s mattresses sold in the U.S. have a fiber-mix barrier as described above. The fiber-batting is quilted into the mattress cover and is not treated with any flame-retardant chemicals.”

(So the crib mattresses are at least free of all fire retardants!).

Joybed is a brand that a lot of you have asked about. Unfortunately, it has no certifications of any kind and therefore can’t be considered for our recommendation.

Newton Wovenair. The polymer this mattress is made from appears to be fine, but the cover is made of polyester (this doesn’t pose a real health risk, but is not environmentally friendly and a form of plastic). Newton uses phosphate flame-retardants. This is better than bromated or chlorinated, but still should be avoided if possible.

Sealy mattresses contain vinyl, undisclosed fire retardants (“trade secret”), polyurethane, polyethylene, and nanoparticles. This includes the mattresses they make for children.

Serta mattresses have actually come a long way, but we still cannot call them even Okay Stuff. Here’s why.

Simmons is the same as Sealy. They use the same problematic materials and hide behind trade secrets.

Tempur-Pedic mattresses are wildly popular. Unfortunately, memory foam is made of inexpensive polyurethane, and you’ll notice that a brand-new Tempur-Pedic is smellier than most other mattresses. This is your clue that it’s off-gassing more. The fire retardant used on Tempur-Pedics is not PBDE, but they do not disclose what it is. The EPA has also raised concerns about emissions formed during the production of polyurethane foam products, which include methylene chloride and other hazardous chemicals.

Sneaky Stuff: Greenwashed Mattress Brands

Casper. These popular, inexpensive mattresses contain a top latex layer that is Oeko-Tex certified, but I’m not crazy about the memory foam component (which is not certified and contains polyurethane).

The flame retardants seem pretty safe:

“A fire-retardant, knit-sock covers the foam before the outer cover is placed on the mattress. The knit sock is made from a proprietary yarn with a silica core and a polyester/acrylic/nylon/rayon outer wrap. The knit-sock is made without any toxic chemicals and each component is OEKO-TEX® certified.”

However, the latex in the lower layers is not 100%-natural, but rather a blend, and synthetic latex can be very toxic when made from carcinogenic styrene. Readers who have purchased a Casper mattress have complained of the smell and sore throats.

Colgate’s “eco” crib mattresses claim to be made of “the finest non-toxic materials in the marketplace.” In reality, Colgate mattresses contain vinyl and polyurethane.

Eco Dream mattresses are basically just memory foam mattresses that don’t even make claims of non-toxicity!

IntelliBED claims to be non-toxic, and is heavily promoted by natural parenting bloggers. The only certification they have received is the dubious CertiPUR. They claim that they use soy-based foam, but companies can make this claim when the mattress contains only a small percentage of soy foam (the rest being petroleum-derived polyurethane).

And IntelliBED gives no specifics about their foam. IntelliBED makes mattresses from a number of materials that immediately disqualify them from our list of Good Stuff. They use memory foam, various “gels” and foams, and unknown materials with names like “Titanium Infused Energex” (whatever that is). IntelliBED also seems to carry zero independent certifications regarding the safety of the materials they use

Keetsa mattresses (which are manufactured in China), are described by many retailers as “natural” or “green.”

The company is, in fact, pretty transparent, and clearly states that, “Keetsa’s mission is to deliver a comfortable, affordable, and durable mattress in an eco-friendly manner. We are not producing organic or natural mattresses. By replacing some of the petroleum product with cedar oil and introducing green tea extract into the mixture, we have created a foam that is less toxic and has a less-offensive odor than traditional foam. We also utilize sustainable materials, such as bamboo, in our cover materials.”

Layla, like so many others, is a memory foam mattress with only a CertiPUR certification.

Moonlight Slumber set off an alarm for me right away with their bogus certification: “Green Safety Shield” is their own certification, and is not third (or even second!) party. They do have testing that shows no VOCs from their mattresses, but that’s only one issue of concern. I’m more worried about their “Visco foam,” whatever that is!

They do have a CertiPUR certification, but this is from a polyurethane industry group. Finally, their flame retardant is proprietary, although they claim it’s natural and free of chemicals.

Natura mattresses may contain (depending on the model you select) boric acid and fiberglass flame-retardants, petroleum-derived latex (as in, not the kind from rubber trees), and nanoparticles.

Nectar has CertiPUR certification and is free of PBDEs. In other words, nothing about this mattress is particularly non-toxic, but it’s better than a standard mattress.

Nest Bedding says that they are an “Organic, Natural, and Certified Bedding and Mattress Company,” but they, too, rely on only CertiPUR certification.

Purple mattresses don’t have any of the certifications we look for even for our Okay Stuff category. Purple has CertiPUR, but nothing more. So if you’re wondering, “Are Purple mattresses non-toxic?” the answer is unfortunately, no.

Saatva and their sister company Loom & Leaf are memory foam mattresses with only CertiPUR certifications. They use only about 30% “plant-based foams.” The rest is petroleum-based.

The Sealy Naturalis mattress has an organic cotton layer; unfortunately, it is surrounded by a vinyl cover.

Swiss Dreams mattresses appear to have exactly zero certifications, making it impossible to back up any of their claims of non-toxicity.

YogaBed doesn’t even really make any claims of non-toxicity, but I’m calling it Sneaky Stuff. Anything with “yoga” in the name is trying to project a green image, don’t you think?

ZenHaven is just another mattress company jumping on the greenwashing bandwagon, and they have no certifications. This is not a non-toxic mattress.

Whew! We appreciate that this is a ton of information, but hope it helps you choose the best non-toxic mattress. If you have questions about other mattresses, please comment below.

Stay sane,

Maia, Founder & CEO

Note: This article contains affiliate links or sponsored content, which means that if you make a purchase, we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that meet our strict standards for non-toxicity and that we use (or want to use!) ourselves. Thank you so much for supporting the brands that make Good Stuff! 

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929 responses to “Best Non-Toxic Mattress 2024 Shopping Guide”

  1. yanawakaorina Avatar

    An unsolicited PSA to other fellow mattress-hunters: Please make sure that you read and understand the warranty of the mattress that you are purchasing. Most companies like Naturepedic, Avocado etc. offer similar warranties when it comes to indentations. A minimum indentation of 1.5″ depth is needed to claim the warranty. There are many reviews across Reddit and other places where people recount incidents of indentations just months into owning mattresses and they could not get it replaced because it did not meet the threshold of 1.5″ deep. 20 and 25 year warranties don’t help in these scenarios. I found Mattress Underground forum to be a good source of information – everything from DIY mattresses to comparisons and information about all things mattress.

  2. yanawakaorina Avatar

    Hi There,

    Thank you for this extensive post. I am looking for a non-toxic Queen/King mattress.

    1. What is your opinion about zoned mattress coils in hybrid latex mattresses? My Green Mattress, Avocado, Plush Beds etc. all have them. They all seem to be using two different kind of coils of similar gauges. Naturepedic and Happsy don’t. Not sure of the other picks in your Best list.
    I am concerned that since people are different weights ,and heights, this may not be a good idea. I am on the shorter side while my husband is tall. I am a back sleeper and worry that these coils meant for extra support may not hit me at the right spots. The companies don’t/can’t seem to provide clear answers other than the standard “more support where it is needed” etc. responses.

    2. I am reading conflicting accounts of which lasts longer – full latex or hybrid latex mattresses? Any thoughts? While full latex mattresses are more expensive, I read many reviews where people say that full latex developed indentations quickly etc.

    Thanks for your help.

  3. jaderraana Avatar


    Have you looked in the mattresses from woolroom?


    1. John Goss Avatar
      John Goss

      A quick review of the Woolroom website leads me to believe that their products are safe.

  4. animalkel Avatar

    I need a recommendation on a mattress that would work in a guest room queen Murphy bed, so would be stored up on its side the majority of the time. The Murphy bed manufacturer (Wilding Wall Beds) highly recommends the mattresses they have partnered with to sell that have been specifically made to use in Murphy beds to not slump or sag when standing on end. I understand the importance of a more stable standing mattress to not damage the mattress in the long run from being stored upright, but the ones they have that are made to not slump are made by Serta and I know how toxic they can be. We have Naturepedic and MyGreenMattress already in our house, so don’t want to go back to a toxic mattress for this guest bedroom Murphy bed. Any suggestions of a more stable mattress that won’t sag or slump when standing on its side most of the time? Thank you!