DefenderShield Laptop EMF Radiation Shield + Heat Shield


The DefenderPad Laptop Radiation Shield is the world’s most effective laptop radiation protection. This laptop pad uses DefenderShield’s newly developed Ultra Armor+™ Shielding Technology, the only shielding available in the world that blocks up to 90 GHz. Our custom-created Ultra Armor+™ Tech can


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Why we like it…

The entire staff here at Gimme the Good Stuff uses a laptop, and we’ve all been worried all of the radiation we are exposed to on a daily basis. Because of this we were so happy to learn about this product!

The DefenderPad® Laptop Radiation Shield is the world’s most effective laptop radiation protection. This laptop pad uses DefenderShield’s newly developed Ultra Armor+™ Shielding Technology, the only shielding available in the world that blocks up to 90 GHz. The custom-created Ultra Armor+™ Tech can block 99.999% of both Extremely Low Frequency Radiation (ELF) and wireless (RF) radiation up to 90 GHz, including the full 5th Generation spectrum. It also greatly reduces heat emissions from reaching your lap.

Perfect For: school, work, entertainment, lap desk

All Features:

  • Ultra Armor+™ Shielding Technology blocks up to 99.999% of EMF and 5th Generation radiation emitting from the bottom of your laptop (0-90 GHz)
  • Unparalleled thermal radiation (heat) blocking ability
  • Textured grip surface keeps laptop or other devices from moving and slipping
  • Fits laptops with up to 17″ displays
  • Perfect For: Working, Gaming, Movies/Entertainment, & Kids

The DefenderPad Shields:

Fifth Generation Wireless (RF Radiation)WiFi Radiation (RF Radiation)Bluetooth Radiation (RF Radiation)Extremely Low Frequency Radiation (ELF Radiation)Heat Radiation

Defender Shield Blocks:

  • 5G Wireless
  • RFID
  • Cellular
  • GPS
  • WIFI
  • BlueTooth
  • NFC

How to Use:

Just place the DefenderPad Laptop Radiation & Heat Shield between your laptop or other device and your body to help shield yourself from a broad spectrum of potentially harmful radiation and heat emissions.

Protective technology, combined with strong and durable design make the DefenderPad laptop radiation shield the ideal replacement for other lap devices like lap desks, lap trays, laptop tables and laptop cooling pads. The DefenderPad is also compatible with tablets and 2-IN-1 laptops like the iPad Pro™ and Surface™ Pro.

Weight (lbs): 2.2
Dimensions (in): 15.875 x 11 x .25
Designed to fit laptops with up to 17″ displays.



Additional Information

Weight 2.4 lbs
Dimensions 16 × 11 × .25 in


Azure Blue, Black, Cool Grey


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DefenderShield Laptop EMF Radiation Shield + Heat Shield Azure BlueDefenderShield Laptop EMF Radiation Shield + Heat Shield