Search Results for: baby formula

Best Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent Guide (2024)

Best Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent Guide (2024)

I admit it: finding a natural laundry detergent that actually works is a challenge. When we had babies in the house, my husband used to joke (more like complain) that he knew we were using the #goodstuff when the bibs came out of the dryer with the spit-up still intact. And every time he came…

Non-Toxic Wooden Furniture Guide

Non-Toxic Wooden Furniture Guide

1. Clean Sleep 2. Medley 3. Copeland 4. Vermont Woods Studio 5. Avocado When you think of natural, non-toxic furniture materials, wood probably comes to mind immediately.  In theory, wooden furniture should be free of toxins, but there are several things to look out for when considering a bed frame, dresser, dining table, etc. In…

2021 Non-Toxic Gift Guide

2021 Non-Toxic Gift Guide

This year, because of delayed delivery times from most stores, we are publishing our gift guide as we go, instead of all at once. (Make sure you’re following us on IG and FB so you find out as soon as roll these out.) Our guide highlights gifts from brands that are committed to toxin-free, Earth-friendly…

Natural Easter Basket Ideas 2021

Natural Easter Basket Ideas 2021

For those of you celebrating Easter, are you interested in growing your own Easter grass? We show you how here. Also, Easter is early this year! Combine that with extra long shipping times, and it makes sense that many of you are already shopping. We have lots of fun Easter Good Stuff in the store……

2020 Non-Toxic Gift Guide

2020 Non-Toxic Gift Guide

This year’s natural gift guide has been a true labor of love, and below you’ll discover a whopping 137 creative, toxin-free gift ideas for everyone you love. This year, we tried to find gifts that were good for the planet in addition to being good for the person receiving them. We also have highlighted products…

Non-Toxic Hand Sanitizer Guide

Non-Toxic Hand Sanitizer Guide

1. All Good / 2. for:good / 3. Soapwalla/ 4. Lumion/ 5. Aura Cacia Research provided by Michael Hopkins, PhD So you’re looking for non-toxic hand sanitizer…You’ve come to the right place! But buckle up, my friend, because there is a lot of info in this guide! (That’s what I get every time I hire Dr….

Earth Mama Organic Eczema Cream

Earth Mama Organic Eczema Cream

Whether you or your baby suffers from eczema, a random rash, a run-in with a bug that likes to bite, or a recent tousle with poison oak, ivy, or sumac, Earth Mama organics natural eczema cream provides an instant and therapeutic itch relief.

Non-Toxic Rain Gear Round-Up

Non-Toxic Rain Gear Round-Up

t’s been a very wet April here in Brooklyn! I hate to rain on your parade, but gear like raincoats, rain pants, rain boots and umbrellas can be made with toxic materials that are bad for consumers, workers, and the environment. In the past, some studies have found worrisome stuff like heavy metals and phthalates in kids’ rain gear….

Natural Eczema Treatment for Babies & Kids

Natural Eczema Treatment for Babies & Kids

I hear from a lot of desperate parents whose babies and kids suffer from eczema. An estimated 10-20% of infants and kids have eczema nowadays. Maybe there is more awareness about it now (when I was a kid, we probably often passed it off as a bad case of “dry skin”), or maybe it is…

What is the Best Rice Cereal for Babies? Which Rice Cereal is Good Stuff?

What is the Best Rice Cereal for Babies? Which Rice Cereal is Good Stuff?

Okay, this a trick question, but it’s one we are asked a lot. The rice cereal that is best for your baby’s first food is…none. Our readers often ask why we haven’t done a Safe Product Guide on rice cereal for babies. Most pediatricians still recommend rice cereal as the first food, because it’s gluten-free and almost…

The Pendulum Swings: Breastfeeding

The Pendulum Swings: Breastfeeding

You know how we feel about breastfeeding here at Gimme the Good Stuff. Our president, Maia James, breastfeeds her kids until they are pushing three. She has written about why she thinks the benefits of breastfeeding have not been overstated, despite headlines to that effect last year. And whenever we talk about the best formulas out there, it’s…

Are the Benefits of Breastfeeding Overstated? I Doubt It.

Are the Benefits of Breastfeeding Overstated? I Doubt It.

Have you heard the news? It turns out that nursing your baby is a big waste of effort because formula is just as beneficial as breastmilk. At least that’s the conclusion you could reasonably draw from recent headlines that assert that there are “no long-term benefits of breastfeeding,” and “breast doesn’t beat the bottle.” Bloggers…

Babo Botanicals Calming Bubble Bath & Wash

Babo Botanicals Calming Bubble Bath & Wash

Babo’s Calming Shampoo, Bubble Bath & Wash is perfect for your bedtime routine. Contains a soft, soothing scent of French Lavender to relax, soothe and facilitate more restful sleep.

Babo Botanicals Moisturizing Shampoo Wash – 8oz

Babo Botanicals Moisturizing Shampoo Wash – 8oz

Babo Botanicals moisturizing baby shampoo and wash is perfect for the most sensitive skin. Oatmilk soothes dry skin, including the skin of babies or kids suffering from eczema, while calendula treats cradle cap and dry, itchy scalps. This wash is perfect for adults with extra sensitive or dry skin, and it’s scent is soft and gentle.

Skin Trip Lotion: Sneaky Stuff!

Skin Trip Lotion: Sneaky Stuff!

When I was a kid, my hippie parents always had a bottle of Skin Trip coconut moisturizer on hand. My mom bought it at our food Co-Op, and kept an extra bottle next on an end table in our living room for easy reapplication during those long, dry Vermont winters. I continued to use Skin…

7 Ways to Enjoy a Cold or Flu

7 Ways to Enjoy a Cold or Flu

Here it is again, that time of year when kids seem to be sick more often than they are well. Maia’s baby, Wolf, is only 4 months old, and the poor guy has already had at least four colds, courtesy of his big brother, Felix. Maia asked me to share, from my  perspective as a…

Safe Nipple Cream (for Nursing Mothers) Guide

Safe Nipple Cream (for Nursing Mothers) Guide

Worstfeeding I suffered from cracked, bleeding, and excruciatingly sore nipples for the first two months of breastfeeding my first son (although for most women, the pain will be milder and will last just a few weeks). After hearing great things about lactation consultants, I paid a ridiculous Australian woman $250 to visit us and observe…

The Best Natural Body Lotion & Safe Hand Lotion Guide

The Best Natural Body Lotion & Safe Hand Lotion Guide

I don’t believe that we need to slather ourselves head-to-toe in natural body lotion after every shower, but there are few things more satisfying than rubbing hand cream into parched palms. And in the winter, my legs and arms become dry as well, and I like to have something around to moisturize. Of course, most…

The Best Diaper Rash Cream Guide

The Best Diaper Rash Cream Guide

1. Green Goo / 2. Babo Botanicals / 3. Earth Mama / 4. California Baby / 5. Poofy Organics We were pretty lucky in the diaper rash department, but if your baby is afflicted, you’ll want to find an organic diaper cream without chemicals (common culprits are parabens and BHA). Do Cloth Diapers Prevent Diaper Rash? My hunch is that cloth diapers are less likely to cause…

What’s Wrong With Dreft?

What’s Wrong With Dreft?

This blog entry is part of our “What’s Wrong With” series, each installment of which profiles a different product and gives you the bottom line on its safety. Think of these as cheat sheets for our more comprehensive Safety Reviews (which we publish less frequently). Any laundry detergent you use will leave a residue on…

Sleep Training for Attachment Parents

Sleep Training for Attachment Parents

The following is an adaptation of an article that I recently wrote for Five Seasons Healing Acupuncture Why is it that pediatricians advise parents to sleep train their babies when they are 12 weeks old? Probably because it wouldn’t work before that—the baby wouldn’t learn to “self soothe” and the screaming process would repeat every…

Breastfeeding, Immune Function, and Healthy Gut Bacteria

Breastfeeding, Immune Function, and Healthy Gut Bacteria

Earlier today, my husband, Daylon, sent me an article about a new study that shows that breastfeeding is linked to a healthy gut in infants because of the way specific genes are expressed. While the conclusions of this study are fascinating, the details are esoteric and the article is too science-y for me. Since Daylon has a Ph.D. in…

Most Moms Don’t Exclusively Breastfeed Their Newborns

Most Moms Don’t Exclusively Breastfeed Their Newborns

I was recently surprised to read that, in the United States, only 33 percent of mothers “exclusively breastfeed [their babies] to three months of age…and only 14 percent to six months.” Considering that a standard maternity leave is three months long, I find it really hard to believe that only one-third of mothers make it…